Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Here's to new beginnings...

So, It's a new year and I'm working on a NEW ME. Just started yesterday! Yea Me! I've been signed up on Weight Watchers now since Oct 29th, 2012. I haven't lost a thing since I started. First is was Halloween week, then Thanksgiving and then Christmas. I gave up as soon as I started because I felt defeated from the beginning since it was the "Triliogy of Holidays". My point is to lose weight the healthy way. I've never done this before. And I have a problem with wanting to cheat all the time and let things slide way too often. Therefore, I am making this blog my attempt to hold myself accountable and so I can access my own personal feelings on this journey. If Alexis and her sister in laws can do this...if Kristin can do this...if Jessica Simpson can do this...Then I can too. I just have to prove to myself that I can. And this is another new attempt on my part do it. So I have to share my everyday feelings so I can see where I've started and how far I will get. My goal is to lose 20 lbs. And because I'm short it will look like a lot. I need to be a HOT MAMA for my family again. So here's to a new year and NEW ME...keep your fingers crossed.